Monday 14 March 2016

New Tech Fair

Ò  Research 1 idea related to a Tech Fair Project.
Ò  Read the article and Post a paragraph about the article  which focuses on: -
É  What was the product or software developed and how does it work?
The product developed is the dynamo torch and how it works is with hand motion it converts it to energy and then the LED light lights up and you can also use it for when your lights are not working.
É  Pictures of the product
É  Who developed it?
       I could not fin who developed the dynamo torch.
É  A paragraph on what was developed and how does the product benefit the society.
Basically what was developed is a torch that lights up with hand motion that is converted to energy and powers the LED light. This benefits society because if there is an apocalypse and the power you can use the dynamo torch because it does not use batteries.
Cite the references.
É  Reflection  On how your research went. What were the keywords that you used in the search engine to get your results. Did you get your results in the first attempt? What were the problems that you faced when searching and how did you refine your search to get the desired result?
I did not get my result at first and the key word that i used the most was dynamo torch because of the name. I did not get my result in the first attempt to research because i did not find what i wanted to find at first.

Term-2 MYP-Design Unit:
Tech Fair Project
Global context: Scientific and technical
Statement of Inquiry: Developments in technology could be seen as blessing or a curse depending on the impact it has on an individual or society.
Inquiry Question: How can we use Technology to help develop our ideas to create a masterpiece for the 'Tech Fair'?
ATL: Thinking skills and research skills

b  This is the video for the project
     Ò  Research 1 idea related to a Tech Fair Project.
Ò  Read the article and Post a paragraph about the article  which focuses on: -
É  What was the product or software developed and how does it work?
The product developed is the dynamo torch and how it works is with hand motion it converts it to energy and then the LED light lights up and you can also use it for when your lights are not working.
É  Pictures of the product
É  Who developed it?
       I could not fin who developed the dynamo torch.
É  A paragraph on what was developed and how does the product benefit the society.
Basically what was developed is a torch that lights up with hand motion that is converted to energy and powers the LED light. This benefits society because if there is an apocalypse and the power you can use the dynamo torch because it does not use batteries.
Cite the references.
É  Reflection  On how your research went. What were the keywords that you used in the search engine to get your results. Did you get your results in the first attempt? What were the problems that you faced when searching and how did you refine your search to get the desired result?
I did not get my result at first and the key word that i used the most was dynamo torch because of the name. I did not get my result in the first attempt to research because i did not find what i wanted to find at first.

Term-2 MYP-Design Unit:
Tech Fair Project
Global context: Scientific and technical
Statement of Inquiry: Developments in technology could be seen as blessing or a curse depending on the impact it has on an individual or society.
Inquiry Question: How can we use Technology to help develop our ideas to create a masterpiece for the 'Tech Fair'?
ATL: Thinking skills and research skills

b  This is the video for the project

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