Sunday 24 April 2016

Term 3 Scratch Programming Project

Statement Of Inquiry:
Computational Creation enables me to be creative.

In term 3 we will be working on Scratch programming. This is creative computing and enables us to explore various sprites and commands in Scratch.

Global Context:
ATL Skills
I will be using my research skills and understand programming codes and controls using scratch program. I will be using scratch as well as watching other videos on scratch programming, i will also be using 'storyboard that' to enable me to create a storyboard online using my design ideas.

I am going to create a story about how some people are anti-social. Being anti-social isn't the best thing in the world because it stops you from doing many things. I am going to create this using the program scratch to show how anti-social people react when others talk to them. In my storyboard it shows how a conversation between a anti-social person and a over confident person. In my scratch you can see that the over confident person doesn't really mind when the other one leaves because they don't know that they're not able to talk to others without hesitating and over-thinking about the bad things that could happen to them.

Global Context = Identities and relationships
Being anti-social can exclude you from many events. When you're anti-social it means that you're shy or that you can't find anything to say to someone and sometimes when people are anti-social it could also mean that they're depressed. It can make you miss out on different experiences such as going out to concerts or hanging out with friends, so basically just to sum it up it makes you miss out on great fun.

About Me- My first project

Making this Scratch was very boring because i don't enjoy programming. I had faced some difficulties along the way because i kept deleting my sprite by accident and i also had problems finding the correct sprite because i couldn't find a dog and when i tried to draw it it wouldn't turn out the way i wanted it to be.

Scratch Project- Term 3

For this term i have been asked to create a story using scratch programming.This story should either create an awareness of an environmental issue, social issue or something that interest me.

 Criterion A- Inquiry and Analysis

About Me:


I am going to create a scratch story about my passion which is running,dancing,eating,sleeping, athletics,sports and playing with my beautiful dog Mia. I love sports in general because it's a way of expressing my feelings. My favorite thing to do is to play with my dog because whenever i'i am sad she always helps me feel better. By playing with my dog i can influence other people to be kind to animals or their pets and not harm them. And by playing sports i can inspire other people to stop being on their devices and to go outdoors to be healthy and fit. I think it is important to be fit and healthy because being unhealthy can cause a lot of problems such as heart problems.

Criterion B- Developing Ideas


In the making of this storyboard i came across a few challenges such as not finding the correct character for the scene i chose. In my first three storyboards i used my interests (running,boxing,dancing) and in the last two i did conversations between two people because i think that communication is a big part of your life.

In the first one it shows me winning a running comp. In the second won it shows me winning in a boxing match. Then in the third one it shows me in a dance class. in the fourth one it shows a girl trying to talk to girl but then the girl refuses to talk to her and lastly the final one shows two colleagues meeting at a pizza place for food after a long day at work.

 Criterion C-Creating the Solution

Reflection for Scratch

While creating my scratch i found it very easy to create because my idea was very simple. Mt scratch is about a girl trying to talk to an anti-social person but she doesn't know that the boy is anti-social. When the girl goes and talks to the boy he get's scared and starts screaming at her saying to go away but at the end he leaves and she doesn't care as much as she should. 

Sunday 10 April 2016

Final Tech Fair Reflection

While working on our tech fair project there was a difficulty when our model stopped working and because we didn't have enough time to build it again we came up with another idea. My partner was Isabella Santos,we worked well together because we had worked together before on many other projects we were comfortable around each other. Me and Isabella mostly worked on our project in school because whenever one of us was free the other wasn't so it was difficult to work on it outside of school but on one of the last days we had to work on the tech fair project we met up and started tweaking it just to make sure it was ready but on the next day the lights wouldn't turn on so Isabella came up with the idea to create a dynamo torch. Isabella already had the box with the parts to build it so we just had to follow the instructions and build it.
If we could do it again i would try and change the light of the dynamo torch or maybe not have tweaked our first project if that was what had cause it to break.