Sunday 14 February 2016

Video link

reflection on What I Have Done so Far


So far Isabella and I have finished mostly everything and posted it on our blog. We got all of our materials but haven’t quite started on the actual project which is LED lights attached to different pieces of clothing. For this project we used powtoon to create our video, we used power point to create a power point about  the pros and cons and all the software or hardware we are going to use and lastly we used Blogger to post everything we’ve done that lead us to our project.

 Over the past few weeks Isabella and We have been working really hard to gather all our materials and to find out how we are going to get the LED lights to work, we left putting every piece together for the end so until the 24th (due date) Isabella and I are going to start to put everything together this week and hopefully it will turn out well. We came up with this idea from a movie we watched called ‘’Step Up 3D’, originally our first idea was a dancing robot but we couldn’t figure out a way to make it work so instead we did a little bit of research and came up with this idea