Monday 14 December 2015

Reflection For The Whole Blog

Throughout this whole learning experience in digital design class I have learnt many different new things. Learning about the world of advertisements has helped me with my creativity and has also helped me by thinking outside the box. It has encouraged me to think outside the box by deciding eye-catching signs and headlines. I have also improved my researching skills and my communication towards the/my target audience. Overall I have really enjoyed this unit and hopefully we will be learning things equally as interesting as this unit.


Monday 2 November 2015

Project- World Of Advertisements

Design situation 

Inquiry analysis

Statement of inquiry:Advertisements as a form of communication have evolved through time and space to influence audience's perspective.

Introduction: - I study in Emirates International School Meadows. I have seen that we have newsletter being generated in our school but students are rarely contributing towards it. So I am planning to develop a movie advertising the need to write articles on the activities done in school.
 So for my MYP project I intend to create a feasible solution that rectifies these issues. For this project I will have to collect data on what kind of skills are required to improve the techniques I already know.

I want to teach dancing because i think dancing is one of the many ways to express how you feel. By dancing you could express the way you feel about a person or a thing that's bothering you, in other words dancing is a train to get out of this world.There are many people that don't know they can dance and maybe their dancing could be something special to someone else. Dancing can lead to many great things for example: meeting new people that have the same interest in dancing, being flexible and staying active can help keep your muscles and joints healthy etc.

Why do you think you need to create an advertisement for the chosen product? I think dancing needs an advertisement because showing viewers that there are more ways to express your feeling than just talking to someone about it.Did you ask anybody to whom the advert would be useful and how? I researched and saw that most likely aspiring dancers or just anyone that would be interested in being healthy and active.
Who is your target audience? My target audience is early teens or young adults, i chose them because it's gonna be easier for them to learn at such an early age.

Monday 5 October 2015

World Of Advertisements

Factors to be considered when creating advertisements

What are advertisements?
Advertisements are a form of marketing used to promote or sell a product. Advertisements are usually paid by sponsors.
If you are wondering what sponsors are, it is a company or a person that is responsible for a thing or a person.

Advertisements can be on radios, on TV, in magazines or on newspapers they can even be on billboards, basically they can be anywhere.

Key factors for making an advertisements:

  • Make your advertisement eye catching
  • Don't make it too long because people might get bored
  • Make the product look interesting in the ad but don't lie to the viewers
  • Choose the most suitable background music
  • Make sure the message you are trying to show is clear 
  •  Make the message you are trying to show is simple
  • Clearly show the brand of the product.
  • Show the product in the advertisement.
Make sure you provide images
Make sure there are images so the people can understand what the product is.
Be ready to spend money
Be ready to spend money because if you want to make money from the advertisement you need to spend time spending it on things to make the product look interesting and reliable.
Don’t try to hard
Don’t try too hard to make the product you are trying to sell appealing to everyone and be ready to face people that disagree with the product because there is going to be people that really dislike what you are trying to say.
Test your advertisement
If you have time you should really show other people what you came up with and ask their opinion to make it better. If the audience disagrees with it go back and see what you can change and what you can add.
A slogan can never hurt?
Create a catchy slogan to make it memorable to the viewers. An example of a catchy slogan is the McDonald slogan, it’s short, catchy and memorable.

Make sure everything is included

Make sure that all the details ae included either at the beginning or the end, your choice. When I say include everything I mean the price, what it does, it’s warnings, how old you have to be etc.

Design a logo

By designing a logo it will be easier for the viewers to remember the product or company name, plus, if you make an image for the logo that is eye catching people are most likely to tell their friends or family about the product.

Offering to help

When I say ‘offer to help’ I mean in the first few weeks of the selling product give a discount to the customers because when they find out that there is a discount they’re going to come rolling in to buy the product.

Polish up you’re ads

You can polish up your ads by double checking the grammar and spelling mistakes. You can also polish it up by upgrading your ad every one or two years.

Attention Grabbing Headlines

The viewers are interested in the benefits of the product so promote them in the headline in a few words.

Creating a website

You can even go ahead and create a website, if you don’t know what to add to your website here are a few ideas: phone number, location (if you have a shop), details about the product, how it can be used and you can also put a picture of the product, etc.

·         Make it easy for the customers to contact you either by phone, email or in person.
·         Use simple and direct language.
·         Tell your customers that you can help them with their needs or any issues they have.
·         Make sure the product is reliable.
·         Use fonts and colors that will want the viewers to keep looking.
·         Make sure the graphics are high so it will look good either colored or black and white.
·         If it’s on TV make sure you use experienced actors or student actors instead of close friends.
·         If it’s on the radio make sure it’s no longer than 30 seconds because customers will get bored.
·         On the radio try and use a professional voice over then try and doing it yourself.
·         Putting billboard advertisements around the city/ town/ country will not be such a bad idea.
·         In the ad you can combine meaningful, powerful and inspirational messages that can touch the audience.
·         Whenever you create a new ad always try to link things from your previous ad into the brand new one.

Task 2: Associate and advert to each of the following:

1. What come to your mind when you see this advert?
I think about getting a cup of milk but the weird thing is, is that i don't like milk.
2.What is unique about this advert?
They used Garfield because he is a cat and in the cartoon he always drinks milk.
3.To what type of an advert can you relate this to?
I can relate this to a lasagna advert.
4.Why is it related to that and give your explanation for this?
I can relate this to a lasagna advert because when i look at this i think of it saying that you can eat/drink lasagna with anything.

Must have

1.When i see this ad i think of getting up and grabbing a coca cola to enjoy.
2. This advert is unique because it has it's own way of saying that if you have a drink you will be happy.
3.I don't know why but i can relate this to a deodorant advert.
4.I can relate this to a deodorant advert because the shape of the can has the same to most of the deodorant tubes.

Games And Activities 

1.When i see this advertisement i think of the game and how it's so cool how they made it into a game.
2.It's unique because not many companies think of putting the advertisement in the form of a game.
3.I can relate this to a farmville ( game ) advert.
4.I can relate it to a farmville ad because the MCdonalds advert is in the farmville game. 

Call To Action

1.When i look at this advert i think of reading a book.
2.This ad is unique because it has a different way of saying if you write a letter it's going to feel like you are with that person.
3. I don't know why but i can relate this to a library advert.
4. I can relate this to a library advert because when i look at it i think of the ad saying that when you are reading it's like the book is a real person.


1.When i see this i think of a shoes.
2.This ad is unique because it tell you when it ends.
3.i can relate this to shoe sale advertisement.
4. I can because, usually in movies the shoe sales have adverts that say things like in this one.

Special Ingredients

1.When i see this ad i think of shampoo.
2. This ad is unique because it shows the person using the product.
3. i can relate this to a butter ad.
4. I can relate it to that because usually in butter ads they show people using the product. 


1.When i look at this advertisement i think of bright red colors.
2.This advertisement is unique because it bold,big and eye catching.
3.i can relate this to car wash sale.
4. I don't know why but i can relate this to a car wash sale because the car wash sales usually have bold signs that say words like incredible,crazy etc.


1.When i look at this i think of fish.
2. This is unique because it shows you what you can turn into of you're not careful.
3. I can relate this to a fish market billboard ad.
4. I can relate it to that because when i think of fish market ads i think of human being turned into fish. 


1. When i see this advert i think of a little boy building a sandcastle.
2.This advert is unique because it has it's own way of showing it's message.
3. I can relate this to a cream advert.
4. I can relate it to that because it can be an itch cream.


1. When i look at this advertisement i think of ' how big are those pants?'.
2.This advertisement is unique because it tells you how it works.
3.I can relate this to a measuring tape advertisement.
4. I can relate it to this because the first thing i look at when i see this advertisement is the measuring tape.

Sense Appeal

1. When i look at this commercial i think of how it would actually look like in real life.
2. This commercial is unique because it shows the special features of the product.
3. I can relate this to a burger king commercial.
4. I can relate it to that because burger king commercials are similar.

Testimonials And Endorsements

1. When i see this ad i think of animals.
2.This ad is unique because it shoes the product, celebrity and an animal and not many ads do that.
3. I ca  relate this to a squirrel ad.
4. I know the animal isn't a squirrel but it just reminds me of one. 


In the previous IT lesson we had to create a new post on our blogger named as ‘’World of Advertisements’’. On the post we had to write a 750 long piece of writing about advertisements (how you make it, how you can improve it, etc.) At first I thought it would be difficult but then I got the hang of it and couldn’t stop writing, I have to admit that it did take me a pretty long time to finish it but finally after 1-3 hours I finished. The other thing we had to do was to write about different ads and answer 4 questions which were: 1. what comes to your mind when you see this advert? 2. What is unique about this advert? 3. To what type of an advert can you relate this to? 4. Why is this related to that and give your explanation for this? , I didn’t really find this hard but it was tricky to find the perfect picture for each one. When we finished the explanation about the pictures of the adverts after we had to write a reflection about that and how we did it and how we felt about it.

Comparing different methods of advertising 

1. Magazines
2. Newspapers

-The disadvantages of magazines is that people tend to lose them quickly.
the advantages are that you can take them anywhere with you.

-The disadvantages of newspapers are
the advantages are that everyday there are new ads and new info

-The disadvantages of television is that whenever you're watching something there is always an interruption.
the advantages are that many people get to see them.

-The disadvantage of having ads on radios is that you always have to wait to listen to music.
the advantages are that there is always something different to listen to.

-The disadvantages of out of home ads is that wherever you turn you see an advertisement.
the advantages is that

-The disadvantages of direct to home is that your mailbox could be full in 5 minutes.
the advantages are that it's brought to your home.

-The disadvantages of having internet ads is that ads will always pop up whenever you click.
the advantages is that you don't necessarily need to go out and look at ads.

Saturday 26 September 2015

Introduction To The Digital Design Class

Reflection Of The IT Lesson/about myself

I am Erietta and the reason in like IT is because we get to learn how to create blogs/websites and i find it very very interesting and fun.

On Tuesday 22nd of September we checked our homework which was to write down some icons used on word then we learned how to add a picture on a CD cover,

To make a CD cover you need to go on  publisher and then pick labels afterwards you will see a
shape of a CD marked as 'blank avery' you click on that and then you pick an image you fill the shape in with that image and then you just add anothe circle in the middle.